Opći cilj RAISE Youth projekta je doprinijeti stvaranju dostojanstvenih i produktivnih radnih mjesta za mlade korištenjem socijalnih inovacija u ruralnim područjima 4 zemlje: Hrvatske, Bugarske, Rumunjske i Španjolske.

Specifični cilj projekta je pilotirati i promovirati inovativni RAISE model (samo)zapošljavanja za mlade koji nisu zaposleni niti u sustavu obrazovanja (tzv. NEET-ovi) u dobi od 20 do 29 godina, koji se temelji na održivoj poljoprivredi u 4 ruralne regije s visokim stopama nezaposlenosti i depopulacijom.

Trajanje: 1.9.2018. – 31.01.2024.

Fund: The EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

Project consortium:

  • GTF – Initiative for Sustainable Growth (Lead partner, Croatia)
  • City of Gospić (Beneficiary partner, Croatia)
  • CSCD – Center for Sustainable Communities Development (Beneficiary partner, Bulgaria)
  • FUNDECYT Science and Technological Park of Extremadura (partner, Španjolska)
  • FACTORY (Beneficiary partner, Croatia)
  • Fema d.o.o. (Beneficiary partner)

The economic structure of rural regions is changing: the share of the primary sector in GDP is in decline, while the tertiary sector grows especially in IT & tourism, which are the main drivers for growth and employment. Countries in South & South East Europe need to create more sustainable models of agro-food production in rural areas in order to stop economic decline and depopulation.

Young people (NEETs – not in education, employment, or training) in the 4 target countries – Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Spain – are experiencing unemployment as their biggest problem because it directly affects the possibility of their independence, future planning, building their own skills and abilities. Youth unemployment and NEETs population are highest in rural areas, especially in the 4 target countries. Project will target 2000 NEETS aged 25-29 from rural and suburban areas, at least 60% of them women.

RAISE Youth will create a sustainable transnational framework to pilot and promote an innovative RAISE model with rural NEETs aged 25-29 based on experience of 4 beneficiary countries with very high youth unemployment rates. 4 RAISE Centers will be established as training, demonstration and production centers in rural areas facing depopulation. Through intergenerational mentoring, learning by doing and psycho-social support and mentorship, at least 2000 NEETs will participate, of which at least 200 will gain (self) employment. By piloting and promoting an innovative RAISE Model of self-employment primarily for NEETs aged 25-29 based on sustainable “Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe” agri-business in 4 rural regions with high unemployment rates and depopulation, a new model for youth employment will be created and made sustainable.
RAISE will network and cluster nationally and transnationally the rural youth, including exchanges between countries, but also create a web platform for marketing and crowdfunding/crowdfarming which has never before been used as a tool for sustainable youth entrepreneurship support in Europe. Use of “smart” farming, new technologies, combined with multi-generational mentoring and family and individual learning will create an ecosystem in the rural area more suitable to job creation, as it will take into account a personal approach while preparing a systemic framework (social) enterprise creation, cluster establishment, web tools, crowdfunding, multistakeholder and policy dialogue.

Mladi iz ruralnih regija Hrvatske koji sudjeluju u projektu dobit će priliku putem novih vještina i znanja sami sebi osigurati održivo i kvalitetno (samo)zapošljavanje. S obzirom na to da je u Hrvatskoj najveći udio NEET populacije prisutan na području Ličko-senjske županije fokus RAISE Youth projekta je na toj regiji, a u Gospiću je otvoren RAISE DEMO centar. Tijekom provedbe projekta prepoznata je potreba širenja RAISE modela stoga je u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, na području Dalmatinske zagore pokrenut program mobilnog RAISE-a (Mobile RAISE) a u 2022. aktivnosti RAISE Youth projekta proširile su se i na Sisačko-moslavačku županiju.


RAISE Youth projekt u Hrvatskoj

  • RAISE Youth centar u Gospiću djeluje od 2019. godine
  • Analiza stanja i anketiranje NEET osoba na području Like i Dalmatinske zagore
  • Fokus grupe sa zainteresiranim mladim NEET osobamaAnaliza stanja OPG-a na području Like
  • Edukacije iz područja poljoprivrede, turizma i digitalnih tehnologija
  • Program predinkubacije
  • Mentoriranje i individualne konzultacije u RAISE DEMO centru i na terenu
  • Prva turistička mobilna aplikacija za područje Like – Explore Lika
  • Policy Dialogue susreti – Razmjena iskustava dionika iz različitih sektora na lokalnoj, regionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini
  • Pokazni permakulturni povrtnjak u Perušiću
  • Studijske posjete s partnerskim zemljama
  • Crowdsourcing platforma – Start.cro
  • Vertikalna aeroponička farma u Perušiću kao pokazni model za održivu poljoprivredu
  • Provedba aktivnosti na području Sisačko-moslavačke županije
  • Online tržnica domaćih proizvoda – Taste LikaPriprema RAISE poslovnog modela